Minnesota’s Personal Care Assistance program is designed to support people of all ages with disabilities to live independently in the community. Personal Care Assistants (PCAs) provide services to people who need help with activities of daily living, instrumental activities of daily living and health-related functions. PCAs also provide hands on assistance, supervision, redirection and intervention for behavior including observation and monitoring. Activities of daily living (ADLs)
A PCA may assist the person with the following ADLs:
Instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs)
A PCA may assist an adult recipient with the following:
Health-related procedures and tasks
Under state law, a licensed health care professional may delegate health-related procedures and tasks to a personal care assistant. Examples of health-related procedures and tasks include:
Observation and redirection of behaviors
A PCA service may include observation of a person who:
The PCA program provides support to:
Home at Heart Care is a Minnesota Department of Human Services authorized Personal Care Provider Organization. Home at Heart Care is not a Licensed Home Health Agency, which means they do not provide skilled care such as Home Health Aides, Private Duty Nursing Service or Physical or Occupational Therapists. However, Home at Heart Care will work together in cooperation with Home Health Agencies, coordinating services to provide the best and most cost efficient care. WAIVERED SERVICES
Home at Heart Care is also a Home and Community Based Waivered Services Provider, providing Homemaking services for individuals on CADI, TBI DD and EW Waivers as well as Alternative Care. Homemaking services are also available as a Private Pay service. Our Homemaking Services include:
General household activities provided by a trained homemaker, when a person is unable to manage the home or when the person regularly responsible for these activities is temporarily absent or unable to manage the home. Covered Services